Friday, September 17, 2010

Blurb for Exiled: Autumn's Peril

cover idea

Exiled: Autumn's Peril

Caleath’s escape from exile on a backwater planet is within reach until Fate forces him to alter his plans.

The First Book in the Chronicles of Caleath

Escape and vengeance have driven Caleath into a desperate course of action. Despite the cost, he journeys toward the place where he can escape. All seems to be falling into place until the machinations of an age old enemy thwarts his progress. Bargains are made. Death is avoided. Taking a hostage, might save his life, but difficulties escalate with every turn of his journey. Meeting sorcerers, aliens and a beautiful female complicate his life. Unless his plans to escape succeed even those complications will seem trivial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonmuse,
I've read your first blurb - Autum's Peril. It is intriguing. Each word matters - you've managed to spark interest in a few words, written well and tight.
I say great job.
Kay Dee