Vergöttern Tale

the crackling campfire, smoke swirled around Eluart. The Vergöttern lord took
his time tightening his jacket, arming himself against the cold. The crisp
clear night offered a vast canopy of stars. Caleath lay with his eyes half
it’s your turn, your lordship.” Corinne dragged a blanket around her shoulders.
“Share an entertaining tale. Truth or fiction.”
a teapot Eluart poured thick dark liquid into a battered cup. He blew on the
rising steam and wrapped his fingers around the mug.
“Very well. I guess we have time. I will tell
you how the Vergöttern came to Sharyac. It is ancient history now. Painful
memories for the Fairhildren, even after all this time, but it makes for a good
story. And I believe it is true. Or mostly so.”
opened his eyes. “This should be interesting. And here I was thinking your
people had no painful memories. Wonder of wonders.”
hide our pain better than mortals. That’s all.” Eluart sipped his tea. “Now, if
you are listening, the story begins with the birth of a baby boy…”
Darenkind heiress Ariana’s pain warped the barriers protecting the homestead
from scrutiny. Herne, son of the Fairhildren ruler, lifted his gaze from the
midwife and sent a telepathic plea to his guards. If either family discovered the birth… He banished the negative thought,
focusing instead on the woman struggling to give birth to their child. A son.
Herne knew the child was a boy already, courtesy of Ariana’s magic.
rain teemed through the branches of the ancient morrel tree forming a canopy above the secluded dwelling. Heavy
cloud formed a visible barrier, but Herne
knew the powerful empaths of the Darenkind could see into unprotected minds. He
relied on renewable spells to keep his men free from perusal. His men, and
Ariana’s staff. Too many knew of the birth. Too many minds placed his child at
heady scent of incense filled his lungs. Tendrils of pale smoke curled into
every corner, to cover the odor of birthing liniments and oils.
groaned. Her pain eased and for a moment she relaxed the grip on his hand. The
midwife rolled her shoulders, shifted her weight and muttered encouragement.
eased from her closed eyes. “I can’t keep control, Herne . I am so afraid.”
Murgot is loyal to me, and Nett would give his life for you. They will see us
safe. I trust them.”
midwife glanced up, and lowered her gaze before making eye contact. Herne ’s curiosity piqued.
What had he said to interest Ariana’s trusted servant? Before he could dwell on
her action, Ariana tensed. The grip on his hand tightened and again the painful
contractions drove all other thought from his mind.
screamed. Herne ’s
calm shattered and panic threatened to overwhelm him.
midwife looked up and grinned. Though her hands were covered in blood she worked
with confidence.
my lord. A fine son.” Lifting the newborn infant, she waited for Herne to recover enough
to cut the cord.
midwife wrapped the tiny babe in a soft blanket and delivered the squirming boy
child into Ariana’s arms.
could his father not understand Herne’s love for the dark beauty Ariana
possessed? Why must his family and hers reject unions between the bloodlines,
when offspring survived and grew into useful citizens? The children who
survived the censorship of the families, that is. Those born to the lesser
casts, where the pressure of leadership didn’t demand the infants culled.
kissed Ariana’s forehead and touched the baby’s cheek. “You are the most
precious things in my world. Both of you. I will defy my father a thousand
times to see our family safe.”
will I. We have each other. We need nothing more.”
me for speaking out of turn,” the midwife wiped her hands and straightened to
face Ariana. “My lady, you have been too trusting. Look to those who are here
to protect you.”
are you suggesting? My men are faithful and true,” Herne protested. Each man traveling with him
had earned his trust.
me, my lord. I must speak my mind. For your lady, and the baby’s sake.” The
midwife glanced to the open door, where the sound of the rain muffled voices
and movement. “I have been watching and listening. I don’t trust…”
midwife flinched. Herne
caught the flash as a dart struck the woman’s throat. Her eyes opened wide. She
clutched her neck and collapsed to the floor.
Fear gripped Herne .
He cast a spell to prevent further intrusion into the room, and he threw himself
between his family and the men rushing through the door.
air filled with spells, powerful, crushing, cast with artefacts only the ruling
class possessed. Herne
strained against the sharp bite as Fairhildren magic curbed his power. Horror flowed
through his veins as darkness filled his world.
* * * *
happened? Were they all killed? How awful.” Corinne pouted. “Not a good story.”
his lordship hasn’t finished telling it yet.” Caleath threw a log onto the
fire. “Go on. The two families feuding. An age old story. Did they finally see
shook his head. “It is not easy to kill an immortal. Not even a child. Though
sadly, Herne ’s
son was culled. Ariana sent back to her family in disgrace. Now, will you allow
me to tell the story…”
nodded and Eluart continued.
using her empathy, followed his progress. Her family, the Darenkind, excelled
in mining, earthy skills and magic. Herne ’s
family, the Fairhildren, followed the growth and seasons of everything green
and growing. For generations the trade and utilization of their individual
skills meant both families enjoyed the best each field of magic could offer.
Herne ’s
challenge failed. Rather than improving relations between families his actions
drove his father to turn his back on all things Darenkind. After Herne ’s uprising and
subsequent reprimand, new barriers between the two families forced trade to
a few seasons life for the Fairhildren became grave as the lack of metal, coal
and earth magic took its toll. The family began to feel the loss of their kin’s
bounty. News the Darenkind also missed the Fairhildren produce prompted Herne ’s father to bow to
the complaints of his counselors and petition a meeting of the two families.
gathering took place in a neutral valley between their lands. A town sprang up
to accommodate the families, their retinue and the citizens who wanted to have
their say in the future.
Ariana and Herne were able to see each other again.
from both the Darenkind and the Fairhildren families worked together. All
animosity aside they plied their trades and their magic without incident. Herne
and Ariana watched and recorded the harmonious progress, hoping their
observations would enable the feuding to cease for good.
* * * *
Corinne raised her hand. Eluart paused and
waited for her to speak.
separated the two families in the first place? Why did they not mix from day
rubbed his brow and shrugged. “Brothers. Daren and Fairhild were twins born
before our historians kept archives. The feud began when their father reached
old age, which in our terms was long enough for both brothers to father large
tribes. Daren’s kin followed after their sire, dark of skin and eye, workers in
the earth, mining and shaping metals. They developed their own style of magic.
Fairhild’s progeny grew tall and lithe, preferring to work among the living forests
and creatures, nurturing all lifeforms. When it came time to choose who would
rule in their father’s stead neither would claim the throne. So they vowed then
to work separately, keeping to their own bloodlines, without a single ruler.”
wouldn’t happen here. There would be war.”
the Vergöttern way.” Eluart lifted his gaze. “Now, may I continue?”
Corinne nodded. “Go on.”
the elders gathered and all those interested had arrived in the valley to
witness the negotiations, Herne ’s
father opened proceedings with a grand feast. He wanted to display the variety
of foods his people could produce.
father brought ornate furniture, tools and gems, for similar reasons. Herne and
Ariana sat together, clutching hands, praying the talks would lead again to
freedom of trade and friendship.
we need,” Herne ’s
father said, standing to address the gathered crowd. “Is to decide which
family’s skills and magic are the most essential to our survival.”
We know ours are far more useful than the Fairhildren magic.” Ariana’s father raised
his fist. “We can do without your grains, but you cannot do without our stone,
metal and earth magic. Anyone can grow food. Who else can shape rivers,
mountains and create palaces able to withstand centuries of earthquake and
our nurturing the forests, plants and creatures, your weapons would have no
purpose. Look how poor your life is when we refuse to trade with you.”
have survived. We are here because you needed our goods.”
need to live in peace, together. Both families have skills the other can
appreciate. Joining forces will make us stronger, more secure and prosperous.
It is time to put aside our differences and accept each other as one family as
we were to begin with.”
about we run a contest between the two families? That way we will know beyond
doubt, which family owns the stronger magic.” The voice from the audience
belonged to Herne ’s
betrayer, Nett. He threw his Darenkind shoulders back and raised his hands to
include the crowd. “What better way to see who should dictate terms for trade
and the right to rule.”
face paled. “Nett is dangerous.” She touched her temple. “I have a dreadful
feeling, Herne ,
this will change our lives forever. Nett may mean well, but the ideas rushing
through our fathers’ minds are frightening.”
agree with my young advisor,” Ariana’s father lifted his chalice.
will be the prize?” A voice called from along the table. Herne couldn’t see who spoke. “We need to
have something worth competing for.”
more feuding.” Another voice joined in. Soon the audience began to offer
and for all time we will know who should rule Artura.”
the losers leave, never to return.”
wins will be strong enough to survive without the other family’s lesser magic.
Proof will be in their continued prosperity.”
should anyone leave?”
would want to follow the rule of a Darenkind?”
have to listen to the gloating of the Fairhildren, should they somehow win.”
rose. The discontent and anger that had brewed during the seasons of separation
exploded into argument and shouting.
is not the Vergöttern way. We do not let emotion rule our decisions. Let us
discuss this with proper order.”
Darenkind do not fear a little dissention.” Ariana’s father shook his head.
“Don’t you have the stomach to exchange ideas? We already show our superiority.
Argument allows the freedom to express feelings. The Fairhildren control would
destroy our way of life. We would chafe under such rule.”
you suggesting a contest where the losing family leaves? Would you consider
moving your family then?” Herne ’s
father chewed his bottom lip. “I would be sorry to see the back of you.” His
grin spread.
is our home. Why should either family leave?” Herne surged to his feet. His heart pumped
despair through his veins. His world threatened to collapse. If Ariana left he
knew he would not want to keep on living. He spoke to the listening crowd. “We
need to live in peace, together. That’s what we need. If we decide who has the
essential magic, they will be given the status of winners. No more argument.
Life can return to how it was. We will all benefit from peace, working on our
skills without fear of conflict. Gods forbid, we may even come to our senses
and reach the moment when people from both families can have lasting
relationships and mixed blood children are accepted.”
bitterness in his final words cast a pall over the crowd. For a moment all fell
silent. Herne
sank to his chair. He had spoken without thinking. No Vergöttern would forget
his rash behavior. Ariana bowed her head. Herne
wanted to sink through the floor.
say we decide on the prize, here and now.” Ariana’s father raised his fist.
“Our blood will never mix, Herne .
Haven’t you suffered enough? Done enough damage? I say you are responsible for
the trade blockage, with the uprising and rebellion you organized against your
father. I will not have such hot blood mix with my family. Never!”
Ariana struggled to her feet. “Why won’t you listen? Can’t you see this is a
futile exercise? Neither family should compete. We all need to forget our
differences and accept our brothers whether or not they have Darenkind or Fairhildren
blood flowing in their veins.”
voice rose above the hubbub Ariana’s words created.
competition. Let the elders from both
families choose three categories for our champions to compete in. Whichever
team wins; that family decides the loser’s fate.”
challenges? Best team wins?” Voices echoed Nett’s words. “Let the elders
father conferred with Herne ’s
sire. After a few moments he raised his hand for silence.
days. In three days we will announce the challenges. Take these days to choose
your representative teams. Three champions from each family.”
* * * *
this have a happy ending?” Corinne asked. “Herne and Ariana will end up
together, won’t they?”
raised an eyebrow. “Not all stories end the way we would like, Corinne. Not in
life. Only the minstrels tell those tales to entertain the children. You should
know better.”
continue, please. Don’t listen to him. I will keep hoping for a happy outcome.”
three days passed too quickly for Herne and Ariana. They cherished each moment
until the ceremonial horns blew to announce the elders’ gathering.
crowd of mingling Darenkind and Fairhildren brought tears to Ariana’s eyes. She
stood beside Herne
and whispered her deepest wish. “If only we could mix like this forever. Nothing
between our families, except shared expectation and excitement. Imagine, we
could rejoice in our son. He would live his life in our company and I know the
world would still be a wonderful place to live.”
if things go well with this challenge, the winners will see reason and accept
both families as equal citizens. Surely the benefit of working together will
become clear, and then the elders will accept mixed blood children.”
fell as the six elders stood. Expectation hung like a palpable force over the
crowd. Herne and Ariana trembled.
challenges will take place in the neutral ground of Cragtop. Viewing will be
available to all, through scrying crystals. No interference will be permitted.
All judgments will be by the elders. We will not speak with nor communicate
with outsiders until the final results have been decided.”
are the challenges?” Ariana’s father asked, glancing to where the three
Darenkind champions stood, resplendent in their confidence and gleaming armor.
those who are chosen to compete will know the challenges. It will be obvious to
the audience as each trial is faced.”
mutter of discontent rose, but the elder continued.
tasked us with creating this competition. Trust us to see no family has a chance
to…” he lowered his hand, “influence the outcome.”
tall, lithe figures stepped forward. Dressed in flowing green robes their
violet eyes lowered, only the shimmer of air around them betrayed their
unwavering confidence.
crowd cheered as both groups of champions greeted each other before stepping
through a waiting portal.
moved through the crowd passing out scrying crystals and refreshments.
in comfort, Herne and Ariana watched together as the first challenge began.
* * * *
Eluart paused. Corinne
leaned forward, the firelight etching lines of intense interest in her
expression. Caleath lay back, resting on one elbow, his blue eyes focused on
“The trials began…”
Through the scrying crystal Herne watched two
versions of the same landscape: a village of lesser mortals, living in the
forests on the neighboring continent of Cragtop. Obviously the elders’ magic
copied the village for the purpose of the trials. Herne didn’t feel any competition should
involve innocents, but his druthers didn’t count.
As Ariana and he watched, a
wall of fire swept across the forest toward the village.
“Fire?” Ariana whispered.
“That’s the trial?”
“Hardly fair. Our kin will
win this challenge without a doubt.”
“Really?” Ariana pouted.
“Let’s watch and see.”
The Fairhildren champions
gathered their energy and formed a barrier between the village and the fire.
With their combined magic they drew a storm toward the fire front. They also
sent a pulse of empathy to the living creatures in the fire’s path and guided
them to safety.
Rain pelted the flames and
after a few hours of threat the fire was under control and the village safe.
The Fairhildren champions
ensured the fleeing creatures found places to rest. The villagers gathered to
examine the damaged forest. No lives were lost.
Meanwhile the Darenkind
champions worked their earth magic around the village they protected.
They joined forces to raise
a strip of earth beneath the surrounding forest. Trees fell. As the ground
shook, the mages diverted the river flowing past the village, allowing a rush
of water to mix with the loose earth, dampening the fallen timber and earth.
The fire lapped at the edges
of the disturbed dirt, nibbled at exposed roots and branches but could not take
hold of the sodden wood.
Once the fire had been
halted the mages again raised the edge of the river, sending it back on its
Ariana flicked her hair away
from her eyes. “See, the Darenkind are quite capable. Don’t underestimate us,
He walked among the viewers,
watching their intent concentration on the crystals. None seemed to notice his
presence. Curiosity satisfied, he turned to rejoin Ariana.
Nett, the Darenkind
betrayer, stepped through a curtain of mist. His dark skin appeared flushed.
Even at a distance Herne
sensed his use of magic.
A horn blew and Herne scrambled back to
Ariana in time to watch the start of the next contest.
The second challenge
involved a raging flood. The river’s banks broke above the village. Both teams
needed to save the village and its inhabitants from the devastating torrent.
The crops growing on the
outskirts of the village, though, were inundated.
The flood water remained
high for three days. Although the watchers didn’t notice the passage of time,
they could see how the situation deteriorated. The mages needed to supply
sources of food and fresh water to the villagers and their livestock.
The mages wove their magic.
They managed their energy and power to care for all the creatures affected by
the flood.
Ariana nudged him. He turned
his attention to the Darenkind’s handling of the same problem.
The earth magic they used
had saved the village from harm.
A levee bank fashioned in
time to divert the flood now protected the village and the outlying crops. The
livestock roamed in an area of dry ground, surrounded by the protective banks.
The mages had not extended their use of magic. They appeared relaxed and
untroubled by three days battling floodwater.
pouted. “I think the Darenkind are the clear winners this time, Herne.”
outcome is the same. No loss of life, or livestock.”
crops in the Fairhildren’s scene are ruined. I would think that counts.”
Herne conceded.
“Yet again, it would seem if our families combined their skills, more could be
achieved for less effort.”
“Herne , the Darenkind did
fine without any help. I don’t like to say anything, but this one has to go in
their favor.”
sound of a horn signified the viewing audience could take a break from the
intensity of focusing on the challenges.
wonder what the elders will choose for the next challenge. Fire, flood, do you
suppose they will follow with famine? Which family does that favor?”
will tell.” Ariana slowed. “I still feel this whole idea is rushed and the
outcome might be too drastic. I don’t know if I could survive if you have to
leave. Why would Nett suggest such a thing? He’s been whispering in the wrong
ears, Herne . In
the three days the elders deliberated on each challenge Nett didn’t return to
our enclave. I don’t trust him. His family has vast resources and far too much
have seen him lurking in the shadows, using magic, acting furtively. Perhaps I
should see if I can find out what he is up to?”
Herne , you must
not. I will see what I can do. If you go near him…” Ariana shook her head. “No,
if you discovered anything it would look as though you had set him up, in
retaliation for his betraying us.”
you are not suspect?” Herne
would never risk me coming to harm.”
trust him, even after what he did to us?”
don’t have a lot of choice. He is father’s assistant now. He would have me for
wife, if I agreed. I refuse. I told him I would remain loyal to you, even if we
can’t be together. Nett doesn’t give up easily. I fear he sees this competition
as a chance to cement his place in our family hierarchy. Let me see what I can
* * * *
idea of Vergöttern of either family resorting to shouting and vehement
accusation struck Herne
as dangerous. Alarming.
a crowd of curious and peaceful onlookers the two families had become separate
entities taking sides, arguing, even coming to blows on occasion.
the worst arguments erupted, Herne noticed Nett or one of his henchmen lingered
in the shadows.
gems changed hands. At no time in his memory had Herne seen so many jewels in Fairhildren
hands. They were the usual currency of the Darenkind.
If Nett flooded the
Fairhildren with wealth, while spreading his generosity among the Darenkind, he
could manipulate the focus of argument. A dangerous situation.
Herne consulted his father,
but his concerns fell on ears tuned against his words. Even loyal Murgot
refused to listen to his warning.
Sun rose on a new morning
and Nett strutted freely among the audience. Now the crowd formed in two
distinct groups. The Darenkind with Nett in their midst and the Fairhildren,
gathered around Herne ’s
father and his counselors.
The general good will and
curiosity of the previous challenges now became heated apprehension and
Ariana is still with Herne ,
isn’t she?” Corinne twisted her blanket tighter. “She wouldn’t listen to Nett.
Did she warn her father?”
shrugged. “Let me continue…”
is behind the animosity,” she whispered, clutching Herne ’s hand and dragging him away from her
family. “We should watch the next challenge somewhere away from both our
families. I don’t like the feeling here anymore. Last night the air was thick
with spells. No one said anything, but it is against our code of behavior to
resort to magic in a crowd like this.”
what would that gain?”
think they are from Nett’s friends, hoping to sway opinion. They were subtle,
but as an empath I could sense them. Father wouldn’t listen. He hangs on Nett’s
every word.”
The challenge began. Each
team of mages stood before a bare valley. Only rocks and dirt stretched as far
as the eye could see.
Each of the teams were given
a small pouch of seeds. The elders announced the time limit. Three months would
pass for the mages, but the audience would see progress through a six hour
“Not quite famine.” Herne rubbed his brow.
His confidence grew. “This can’t be Nett’s doing. This plays into the
Fairhildren’s hands again.”
Ariana shook her head. “We
will see. In the few seasons since trade ceased, our mages have been working on
ways to improve crop growth.”
“I have a dreadful feeling
Nett is behind this choice. He would know your kin will feel confident. They
may relax. Overconfidence now could be their downfall.”
“We can’t warn them.” Herne sighed. “Let the
best team win. What appears to favor the Fairhildren is a clever move on Nett’s
behalf. Who can question the elders’ choices if the Fairhildren lose this
contest? It looks tailored to their skill set.”
“Exactly. Your mages will
have no idea how this plays into the Darenkind hands.”
With hands entwined Ariana
and Herne watched the two challenges unfold.
The Fairhildren mages worked
with confidence. They planted the seeds, spelled them for longevity and health
and called on gentle rain to nurture each seed.
As the seeds burst into life
they transplanted each plant and tended them. Rodents, insects, sunlight and
rain were monitored. The plants grew and thrived. Flowers bloomed and bees
arrived. Every plant survived and produced healthy fruit or grain.
The Fairhildren moved
through the crops with shoulders back, heads high. Their success gleamed in the
skins of the fruit and the plump heads of grain.
They had no idea how the
Darenkind mages fared.
In the other valley the
Darenkind took time to turn the soil, they freed the rocks and pebbles from the
pasture. They used metal tools to work the soil. Metal they could manipulate
with ease.
With precision they created
rows of heaped dirt and channels between the mounds. While one of the mages
worked to create a spring, bringing clear water to the surface, the others
planted out their selection of seeds.
The spring water bubbled and
flowed along the rows.
All the while the mages cast
spells Herne
didn’t recognize. Ariana explained.
are bringing the best nutrients in the soil to where the plants need them most.
This is the magic they have been perfecting since trade ceased.”
is behind this choice?”
makes sense, doesn’t it?” Ariana nodded. “Why?”
wants the Fairhildren out of the way.” Herne
gripped Ariana’s hand. “Is this to get me out of the way? Would he do such a
dreadful thing to the Fairhildren, to have you to himself?”
don’t think he works alone, Herne .
I have heard whispers in court. Since trade stopped, father has been pushing to
ensure our mages can adapt. He even has them using Fairhildren magic on
rules only applied when there was a trade agreement between the families. He
has done nothing wrong. We needed to survive and adaption was our answer.”
Am I to blame, then, for stirring up trouble, by wanting our families to accept
mixed blood children?” He buried his head in his hands, ashamed and afraid of
the trials’ results. If only…
the elders are comparing the produce now. The trials are over. They will
announce the results in a few moments.”
can’t watch. Nett has won. I can’t even accuse him of cheating. Even knowing he
organized the outcome from the beginning.”
played into his hands, alienating your father, causing the rift between our
fathers. Our son should have been raised in secret, but Nett betrayed us. Did
he know, back then, how you would react?”
horns blew and across the town the two families gathered to hear the outcome.
No longer did they mingle.
long and difficult debate we have come to our decision.” The spokesman for the
elders raised his hands and held the crowd mesmerized for several heartbeats.
“It is our opinion the Darenkind team showed the stronger magic.”
uproar from the crowd deafened Herne
where he and Ariana grasped hands. The elation of the Darenkind overwhelmed the
vehement shouting from the Fairhildren.
will commence. It is now up to the Darenkind to decide on the Fairhildren’s
it be known,” Ariana’s father stood. Nett took his place beside him. “The
Fairhildren are leaving Artura. From this day forward the Darenkind will hold
the Vergöttern stronghold here. Mind, we are not heartless. You are our kin. If
things had gone differently…” He looked around, sweat, not usual on a
Vergöttern brow beaded above his trimmed eyebrows. Herne wanted to rant. To shout accusations,
to share the truth, expose Nett for his duplicity. Surely sweat showed Ariana’s
father’s anxiety. Fear the conspiracy would be unveiled? No one noticed. Her father continued, his
expression of pity contrasted to the gleam of victory in Nett’s eyes.
will help you find another location to settle. We are sympathetic to your
plight. Portals over distance are not part of Vergöttern magic. It will be the
last thing we do together. One final stipulation; No Fairhildren will return to
and shock overwhelmed those watching. Fairhildren and Darenkind both shouted
and roared. Punches flew. Spells crackled.
where he stood Herne
saw the mayhem spread through the crowd. Violence erupted. Never the Vergöttern
way of solving disputes, now it consumed both winners and losers.
and Herne ran from the melee, finding shelter away from the desperate and
held each other close.
the dust settled and the warring factions succumbed to peacekeeping spells, the
Fairhildren left to prepare for their exodus.
on.” Corrine sat forward. “That’s not right.”
Just? Does life always follow the rules, Corinne?” Eluart asked, shifting his
position to avoid fickle smoke curling lower around the group.
but we can want it to,” she said.
chuckled. “We can at that.”
day of departure dawned. The sky above the open fields of the Fairhildren
estates stretched on forever. Herne
committed it to memory. He wanted to erase the tears and weeping of the
womenfolk. The trembling fear and trepidation of the menfolk, too controlled to
weep but unable to mask their despair.
Darenkind mages arrived without pomp and ceremony. They too seemed to
understand the magnitude of the move to another world. For months the search
for a suitable haven for the Fairhildren to settle had consumed both sides of
the Vergöttern people. For a short time they had put aside their animosity and
arguments. The time for recriminations, regret and accusations had passed
without a change of heart from the Darenkind.
rode at the head of the family. He alone wore an expression of gloating pride.
Ariana followed in the procession, but broke free to join Herne as soon as she could.
stood arm in arm, watching the preparations for the opening of a portal to a
blue planet far from Artura.
of wagons carried the belongings, seed stock and hopes of the Fairhildren
people. Herds of livestock, too, milled around, waiting for the gate to the new
world to open.
with a short speech neither Herne nor Ariana could hear, the mages opened the
portal and the exodus began.
greeted him with a grin.
to leave Ariana, Herne .
I will take good care of her for you.”
more moment.” Ariana threw her arms around Herne ’s neck, hanging onto him. “I cannot let
you go.”
mages ushered the last wagon through the portal. The shimmering light began to
“Herne , you must go now.
The gate is closing.” Murgot reached back from inside the light. “Come on, it
is time.”
bye, Nett. I know what you have done.” Herne
turned toward Murgot. Ariana didn’t relax her hold.
know too, Nett. I cannot forgive you, nor will I stay here, while Herne leaves.” Releasing Herne ’s neck but grasping
his hand Ariana ran into the portal. Herne
followed, silent in his surprise, but thrilled.
howled and in his rage he cast a limiting spell into the portal. His rash
action caught the Fairhildren and the Darkenkind mages by surprise. Unprepared
for the interruption to their conjuring they failed to protect themselves from
Nett’s magic.
a heartbeat the spell he wove in anger stole the ability to open portals from
both sides of the Vergöttern people.
mages lowered their spells and the shimmering light snapped out. The portal
shut. Ariana and Herne both survived to join the other Fairhildren, but Nett’s
limiting spell still affects Vergöttern mages. We risk the backlash of wild
magic if we dared to open a portal.
Herne and Ariana stayed together.” Corinne lowered her shoulders, unwound the
blanket and grinned. “Did they live happily after that?”
guess they did. The story doesn’t dwell on their life once they arrived here.”
they were together.”
many years. They raised a large family. Mixed bloods. Some who carried earth
magic in their blood, some who bore the Fairhildren powers. Others who didn’t
inherit talent at all, some who inherited both types.”
Vergöttern accepted them? The half bloods?” Caleath raised an eyebrow. “After
all the drama?”
Eluart shook his head. “No. Herne and Ariana lived outside the Fairhildren
family. They made their own way. After all, they had a fair share of both types
of magic. They didn’t suffer. They just didn’t mingle.”
happened to their children? They were ostracized too?” Corinne chewed her
bottom lip. “How many children did they have?”
many?” Eluart laughed. “I don’t know. I do know the mixed bloods spread across
the country, finding their skills welcomed by the natives. They settled, had
families and found acceptance wherever they went.”
that where our mages come from?” Corinne’s eyes widened. She started to laugh
aloud. “Long living, talented, different types of magic… It makes sense,
doesn’t it, Eluart?”
it was a very long time ago, Corinne, but perhaps you are right. I am not sure
the Vergöttern follow the same line of reasoning you do, but who is to know, or
question the spread of magic? It is only a story, after all.” He stretched.
“So, tomorrow night it is your turn to share a tale.”
Corinne wrapped the blanket around her
shoulders and settled for the night.
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