Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Check out this Christmas Charity Idea from Karina Fabian...
Karina Fabian
Dear friends and readers,
This winter, I have two things in my heart and on my mind: caring for those less fortunate than me (or indeed, much of the world) and my DragonEye, PI stories. For Christmas, I’m combining them and would like to share them with you.
Those of you who are “Vern Fans,” know about my dragon who works in our world as a private investigator, and his partner, Sister Grace, a mage and nun in the Faerie Catholic Church. They’ve saved the worlds and their friends in numerous stories and novels. Last year, I wrote a story for Flagship about their first Christmas together. Not only is Grace struggling with the Mundane idea of Christmas, but their home is threatened by a land developer who wants to tear down the entire neighborhood and make a mall. When the Ghosts of Christmas come to visit him, however, Vern and Grace have to solve the mystery before the Christmas Spirits become Angels of Death.

I'm asking that you please check out the story, and, if you enjoy it and want to see more, that you donate even a dollar to the cause. Also, if you enjoy the story, let your friends know. I'll post every Tuesday and Thursday as the donations come in. Right now, we have raised enough to send a family 20 baby chicks and are halfway to a fruit tree in addition. Vern would like to send them a cow (he is a dragon, after all), but Sister Grace and I are dreaming of raising enough to buy someone a home. Can you imagine giving a HOUSE for Christmas? Will you help?
Find the story at http://christmasspirits. You can also get to it via my website, Look under the Christmas dragon for the link. You can learn more about Food for the Poor at
Thanks for your attention!
Karina Fabian
Thanks for your attention!
Karina Fabian
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Chronicles of Caleath are mentioned again... on Edi's Book Lighthouse...
Edi's Book Lighthouse: Edi's Weekend Wave #1146
Edi's Book Lighthouse is a great supporter of the Chronicles and it is with great pleasure that I sent him my first copy of Book three, Exiled The Legacy of Lathraine's Pledge.
I know Edi has a vast number of books to read but he takes time out for Caleath's adventures and when he gets his ereader for Christmas, working with ebooks should get much easier for him.
Still.. he's a great source of information for Fantasy fans, on what is out there to read.
Thanks again Edi.. for the mention. Good luck reaching your goal for reading in 2011. You are doing an amazing job.
Edi's Book Lighthouse is a great supporter of the Chronicles and it is with great pleasure that I sent him my first copy of Book three, Exiled The Legacy of Lathraine's Pledge.
I know Edi has a vast number of books to read but he takes time out for Caleath's adventures and when he gets his ereader for Christmas, working with ebooks should get much easier for him.
Still.. he's a great source of information for Fantasy fans, on what is out there to read.
Thanks again Edi.. for the mention. Good luck reaching your goal for reading in 2011. You are doing an amazing job.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Meet Margaret Fieland, author of Relocated...

When fourteen-year-old Keth's Dad is transferred to planet Aleyne, he doesn't know what to expect. Certainly not that Dad grew up here and that he studied and work with Ardaval, a noted Aleyni scholar. Keth discovers he's developped psi, illegal in the Terran Federation, and he flees to Ardaval, only to learn later that the Aleyni is his grandfather. When Keth's friend's father, Mazos, is kidnapped by the terrorists, Keth tries to free him but is captured himself. Will he succeed in freeing them both and catching the terrorists, and what will be the cost if he does?
Congratulations! The planet of Aleyne sounds like an amazing place.
Other than ‘author’ what are three words you would use to describe yourself?
Musician, reader, messy, compulsive – and yes, that's more than three words. I'm not always great at following rules.
Do they influence you as a writer? Or the genre you write?
Everything influences me as a writer, because it's all part of who I am. The musician has had a huge effect on my ear, especially my ear as a poet – I have a good feel for meter, and the reading has influenced my vocabulary. Because I started out writing poetry, I am aware of the importance of the correct word choice. I love
What is it about science fiction that fires up your muse?

That's a great way to get over a obviously worked a treat!
You are about to be published with Museitup, what inspired this story?
As I said, I wanted to write a sci fi story, and to me the most daunting part of that was the world building, so that (and the characters) were where I put most of my pre-NaNo planning. I tell myself stories in my head all the time, and I'd been thinking about a society based on mutual responsibility, rather than on law, for a long time. I liked the idea of the psi, because making the aliens have psi – and not the Terrans – and having psi illegal for Terrans made for a ready source of conflict. Then, too, the idea of relationships with more than two people had been rattling around in my head for some time, also. I made my aliens dark-skinned for a couple of reasons – I wanted to make them distinctive looking, I was really, really tired of the good guys always being the fair-skinned ones, and it allowed me to play against type.
Do you have a regime when writing? A special place, time, mood or do you snatch opportunities to pen ideas or write a few lines?
I don't have a set regime – other than that I'm committed to writing every day. I'm a member of a poetry writing group, so that I have weekly commitments there, and I recently joined another writing critique group for fiction. I keep paper and pen handy everywhere, but I keep “master” copies of my work online in Google documents. I do this for a couple of reasons: they have to back up the data, and since it's their business, they take it seriously, and the stuff is accessible from any computer. Plus I can share it. Having my writing organized and accessible is a huge reason for my ability to progress as a writer.
Does your Muse follow rules and plot lines or does she offer ideas on a whim?
She spews out idea. I''ve started to keep notes – I have a file for each of a number of book ideas. Right now I'm working on a successor to “Relocated,” where my main character, Keth, is four years older. I've noted a couple of more ideas in that universe as well. Anything can spark an idea.
What are the most dramatic changes you have made to a story you have written? What prompted the change?
Yikes. The first book I wrote, I wrote in a weekend. It was 5000 words. Then I spent the next couple of years learning enough about fiction to rewrite it and really make it into a good story. There were major changes in what happened, in the characters, in where I started the story. And that was prompted by my having learned enough about writing to see what I had to do. It ended up about 11,000, and it went through at least 3 major revisions.

It was a couple of things. I'd complained to one of my sons one weekend that I wanted to work on a poem, but the latest copy was on another computer. He told me about Yahoo Briefcase (I've since switched to Google Documents), and so I put copies of all my poems up. Then, since I knew what I had, I could start to progress in my writing. I entered a contest (only possible because I had my poems handy and knew what I had), entered a contest, and was a finalist. I was psyched, so I joined an online community and started working on my poetry.
Then , through someone in the community, I found out about the Muse Online Writers Conference. I hooked up with Linda Barnett Johnson, and joined her writing forums. At the time, I was writing only poetry, but Linda insisted that everyone write fiction also. I was lucky enough to get my first story accepted to a website. I got hooked on fiction, and I now write both fiction and poetry. I started writing for kids for a couple of reasons – I love kids fiction, and read it constantly, I have three sons, a stepson, and a stepdaughter, and the shorter length made it less intimidating. Little did I know that in lots of ways, children's fiction is more difficult than writing for adults. But I got hooked on writing it, and here I am.
Would you like to tell us about the main character of your book and/or the villain? Or would you like to share an excerpt? Either or both… we are keen to learn more about the story. The whole idea of four person relationships sounds intriguing and makes me want to know more. Psi is always interesting and a great draw card to grab my attention.
Well, I wrote 30 poems while writing the book, by an ancestor of one of the characters in the book – and my main character's namesake. I'll share a couple that doesn't appear in the book.
Who Will Play Music?
Who remains to play the music, now musician’s dead?
Which lips set bright brasses blowing? The man’s cold in his bed.
Whose hand renders strings a strumming now the fiiddler’s gone?
Whose hand genders drums a drumming as night turns to dawn?
Our hands start the drums a drumming as dawn turns to day,
ours the fingers on strings, strumming,. We’ll sit down to play.
Our lips put to brasses blowing, knowing he will hear.
We will keep his music going, from us to his ear.
Who Will Play Music?
Who remains to play the music, now musician’s dead?
Which lips set bright brasses blowing? The man’s cold in his bed.
Whose hand renders strings a strumming now the fiiddler’s gone?
Whose hand genders drums a drumming as night turns to dawn?
Our hands start the drums a drumming as dawn turns to day,
ours the fingers on strings, strumming,. We’ll sit down to play.
Our lips put to brasses blowing, knowing he will hear.
We will keep his music going, from us to his ear.
The Choice
The hour has come to make our choice,
listen to the still, small voice,
choosing values to uphold,
the way of love, the way of gold,
empire with hands across the sky,
riders in a desert dry,
those who love the outer shell
or those who honor inner selves,
the way of dark, the way of light.
Our feet upon our path this night.
The hour has come to make our choice,
listen to the still, small voice,
choosing values to uphold,
the way of love, the way of gold,
empire with hands across the sky,
riders in a desert dry,
those who love the outer shell
or those who honor inner selves,
the way of dark, the way of light.
Our feet upon our path this night.
Who is publishing your story?
MuseItUp publishing division, MuseItYoung. It will be available in July, 2012.
Where can we get this book?
You can't, yet.
We must be patient a little longer... So in the meantime, how can we follow your career?
Check out my website and blog,
Thanks for participating Margaret, 'Relocate' sounds amazing and your poetry is wonderful. What a talented writer you are! I am so glad you decided to take up writing Science Fiction.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
MUSEITUP Retreat Montreal...
This weekend will see the first Museitup Publishing Retreat in Pointe Claire Montreal.
With a huge booksigning function at Zellers, heaps of door prizes and the chance to meet and greet many of the Museitup authors, this function is set to make history.
Thanks to Christine London, who is attending the retreat, we have photos and commentary on how the weekend is progressing. Share some great images here...
'One November Day In Old Montreal'. Join Christine in Quebec's largest and most
Thanks Christine...
Watching with anticipation from DownUnder, although I won't be there in person, I appreciate the photos and wait with bated breath for promised You tube videos and snippets of news.
Congratulations must go to the organisers and to Litsa and Lea for their work creating Museitup as a great group of authors with a family spirit.
Way to go team!!
around the world. There will be four door prizes from MuseItUp Publishing, and Zellers will offer 500,000 ClubZ points to one lucky winner. The drawing of names will happen at 4 p.m. in-store.There will be coffee, cookies, and treats for one and all.Books to suit all ages, from middle grade chapter books to adult books, such as mystery, romance, fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi, historical fiction, and more.
With a huge booksigning function at Zellers, heaps of door prizes and the chance to meet and greet many of the Museitup authors, this function is set to make history.
Thanks to Christine London, who is attending the retreat, we have photos and commentary on how the weekend is progressing. Share some great images here...
'One November Day In Old Montreal'. Join Christine in Quebec's largest and most
beautiful city for some autumnal splendour.
Muse Retreat Authors and Update!!!
Meet lots of Muse authors!Muse Retreat Authors and Update!!!
Thanks Christine...
Watching with anticipation from DownUnder, although I won't be there in person, I appreciate the photos and wait with bated breath for promised You tube videos and snippets of news.
Congratulations must go to the organisers and to Litsa and Lea for their work creating Museitup as a great group of authors with a family spirit.
Way to go team!!
Article from the West Land Gazette...
Zellers Pointe Claire and MuseItUp Publishing hosting a Mega Extravaganza Booksigning event
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2011 - 1:00pm
Contact: Lea Schizas
Location: Zellers Pointe Claire
Address: 195 Hymus
Zellers Pointe Claire on Hymus on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 1-5 p.m. is hosting a Mega Extravaganza Booksigning with authors of MuseItUp Publishing fromaround the world. There will be four door prizes from MuseItUp Publishing, and Zellers will offer 500,000 ClubZ points to one lucky winner. The drawing of names will happen at 4 p.m. in-store.There will be coffee, cookies, and treats for one and all.Books to suit all ages, from middle grade chapter books to adult books, such as mystery, romance, fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi, historical fiction, and more.
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