Joachim banishes Brandan to prison island of Hyogo. His
infant son, Prince Airyn disappears from his cradle. A chain of events is set
in motion that will pit brother against brother, friend against friend, parents
against children as Brandan and Joachim struggle for control of their sanity
and their very lives.
With Brandan declared dead and his son missing Joachim sinks
into despair and anger, where those close to him fear he may never return.
Is Brandan really dead and if he is, who is manipulating the
Mantion and enemies of Crato?
Can Maeve save her country and her husband from the
tentacles of evil pervading the land?
It is hard to believe a year has passed since Sanctuary of the Nine Dragons was released.
Congratulations Chris.
So, what has been the most rewarding part of your journey to having a series released?
So far there have not been a lot of sales, but there have been a few. So that means that there is
someone out there reading the books. I don’t do this to sell a lot of books, but to have someone’s life be changed because they read my book. I haven’t heard of that happening yet and I may never hear, but just the thought that it could happen is enough reward.
You have some wonderful reviews. Would you like to share your favourite?
Reviewed by Sarah Heath March 30, 2014
By TWJ Magazine
Format:Kindle Edition
The last book of the Twelve Pillars series, The Sanctuary of the Nine Dragons, finally brings the story of the two kings of Ramajadinfull circle. In The Sanctuary of the Nine Dragons, the reader will find a story of hope and ultimate sacrifice. This adventure of Brandon and Joachim contains exiles, kidnappings and a loss of faith, all of which culminates into an epic final battle between good and evil.
Sidramah, the evil god, still has a strong hold on Brandon’s heart, and only a great sacrifice will free him from the bonds. Joachim, unwilling to give up the hope that one day Brandon will return to Asha, must abide by the Council’s decision to exile his brother. When news reaches Joachim of the likely death of Brandon and the kidnapping of his young son, Prince Airyn, he blames himself and neglects his country. Will the family’s next generation make the same mistakes as those before them, and is it too late for Brandon and Joachim to mend their relationship?
I love that this book focuses on the guardian dragons and the role they play in restoring Joa’s Faith in
Asha’s love and his master plan. The Sanctuary of the Nine Dragons is a beautiful, moving ending to
Christina Weigand’s Twelve Pillars series, but I hope she doesn’t just stop there. The adventures of the next generation of the royals of Crato and Mahorg need to be told, and I can’t wait to read about them!
(TWJ Magazine strives to guide readers to books of personal interest, with the understanding and
respect that what appeals to some may not appeal to others. Therefore we attempt to keep our reviews
focused on content, genre and style. The rating is necessary to make use of Goodreads, B&N, and Amazon. It reflects the reviewer’s own level of enjoyment, but the review is intended to be informative for the benefit of all readers.)
5.0 out of 5 stars Get Swept Away in a Mystical Realm! March 26, 2014
By Lorraine Carey
Format:Kindle Edition
Sanctuary of the Nine Dragons is book 3 from author Christina Weigand in the continuing story of Palace of the Twelve Pillars and The Palace of Three Crosses. In a different land, a different realm the mystical kingdom, Crato is threatened along with the safety of the royal family Queen Maeve and King Joachim.
Here the twins Joachim and Brandon are pitted against each other as Brandon has turned to the dark
side and his brother is forced to strip him of his powers.He is banished to a far away island. On route to the island, Brandon’s ship has crashed in a violent storm and a family magic amulet turns up on the beach. Evil still lurks and devastation even with the report of Brandon’s death. Is Brandon’s magic so
powerful it can survive his death and is he really dead? This novel is wonderfully written as it will take you to a mystical realm far away with hints of medieval themes along with a good clean christian tone. I highly recommend this novel for middle grades to young adults. I loved the feeling of being swept away as Weigand has the ability to transport her readers to special realm with fantastical characters
They are fantastic reviews. You couldn't ask for better. Congratulations...
What has been the highlight of your marketing and promotion during the release of The Twelve Pillars?
Doing the interviews. They have made me think about things that may not have occurred to me during the writing, editing and publishing process. There have been a lot of interesting questions and it has been a lot of fun answering them and sharing them with my readers.
Interview questions make you think, don't they. Sometimes you learn things about yourself, while sharing information with others.
No journey is without pot holes, what is most embarrassing thing that has happened to you as a writer?
Probably the most embarrassing thing is missing a deadline or forgetting to get info to people that
agreed to help promote my books.
So glad to know I am not alone with those times of ... what were we talking about.. oh yeah, forgetfulness...
What has inspired you the most, to keep writing?
When I was working on the trilogy, the thing that kept me going was seeing where the story was going.
I’m a pantster so I never know where the story is going before I write it, so seeing where the characters are going to take me is always a wild ride. Now again I am working on a series so between God’s nudging and the characters leading I am kept moving through the story. The story needs to be told.
It is a wonderful feeling to have a story that needs, demands, to be told. Makes writing a pleasure.
What is your five year plan?
Like my writing, my life is a take it as I go proposition. By the end of this year I would like to see at least one of the books in my new series visiting publishers. I have a Bible study that is available in ebook format, so one of my goals for the year is to get it into print.
I guess if I had to pick five year goals it would be to finish my current series and get it published.
Good luck with your plans. I am sure you will achieve them. Finishing a series is always a great feeling. Getting published... well, that's the icing on the cake.
What are you working on now?
As I already mention I am currently working on a new series that will follow the course of the history of Christianity starting at the end of Jesus’s days on earth and culminating during our current times. It is a YA Christian fantasy that my dragons will be a part of. I am also co-writing a middle grade fantasy series with my granddaughter and a beginning chapter book with my teen daughter and granddaughter.
Writing a novel with your granddaughter and daughter would be lovely. So good to know they both share you love of storytelling.
Thanks for being on my blog.

Christina Weigand’s a writer, wife, and mother of three
grown children and a middle school daughter. She is also Nana to three
granddaughters. She lives with her husband and youngest daughter in
Pennsylvania, returning there after a short sabbatical in Washington.
Currently, she’s working on fantasy novels and inspirational writing. Through
her writing, she strives to share the Word of God and help people young and old
to realize the love and mercy He has for everyone.
When she’s not writing, she’s active in her local Church as
a lector, Bible Study, or with the church theater group, volunteering at her
daughter’s school helping the children develop a love for reading and writing.
Jesus fills her home with love as she shares Him through her writing.
Twitter: @CAWeigand