Today we feature STONE CHAMELEON
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Nothing urbane about this URBAN Fantasy...
When a series of unusual murders point to Lou Hudson, Ironhill’s equal rights advocate, as the primary suspect, she has but one choice: find the real perpetrator before her trial begins or face execution.
Lou, the last of the jinn, survives by hiding her abilities after the rest of the elementals fell victim to genocide. As a preternatural pest exterminator and self-proclaimed guardian of the innocent, she’s accustomed to trudging through the dregs of society. Hunting down a pesky murderer should be easy, especially with help from the dashing and mischievous local media darling.
For Lou, though, nothing is ever simple. When she discovers the killer’s identity, to reveal it would unearth her secret and go against her strict moral code, resulting in a deadly catch twenty-two.
Now to meet the author... It is great to introduce the amazing Jocelyn Adams...
Your novel Stone Chameleon has recently been released
through Museitup Publishing. Can you tell us a little about what inspired you
to write this dark fantasy? The blurb makes
Lou sounds like an interesting character in a desperate situation.
Hi, Rosalie. Thanks
for inviting me.
Normally I have a
clear moment of conception for a story, but this one is kind of a blur.
I knew I wanted to try out a different voice
and reinvent a supernatural creature that wasn’t often written about, and
somewhere out of those thoughts, Lou Hudson was born with her mixture of
British and Canadian English.
She’s determined to smooth out the relations between human
beings and all of the preternatural creatures that live in her city, all while
keeping her jinn heritage a secret as her species was condemned and all but
wiped out.
Her lot in life has created
an interesting blade she balances on, and because of it, she has become someone
incredibly strong and determined to change the prejudices of the world.
She already sounds like an exceptional character.
Did Lou and her henchmen follow your plot path or did they
take on a life of their own? Do you keep paranormal characters in check?
Oh, goodness, no. My
characters rarely turn out how I initially envision them. I don’t plot anything, just have a name and a
general description, then let my fingers fly.
I struggled with Amun’s character (Lou’s potential love interest) and
had to reinvent him a couple of times.
Another main character in the book began as a straight-out villain who
was only supposed to play a bit part, but has now become an integral part of
the series.
Sometimes I feel like I’m
trying to walk a bunch of giant dog on leash, and sometimes all I can do is try
to keep my feet under me while they drag me where they want to go. J
Or two small dogs. LOL. I have two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels that create the same effect!
You spend time with a compound bow? What an interesting
hobby. What is the most unusual experience you have had while shooting?
It’s a great hobby that gets me outdoors a lot in the
summer. When my hubby and I were in high
school and shooting at our local club, we very nearly stepped on not one, but
two skunks hidden in the grass. By some
miracle we weren’t sprayed. Needless to
say, we took a little more care while wandering the course after that.
Goodness that's a great incentive to watch where you put your feet. hehe. Thankfully we don't have skunks here! We still need to watch where we walk. :)
How much of your life is reflected in Lou’s adventure?
There was a lot of me in my first main character, Lila Gray,
but only a little of me in Lou.
We both
have a love affair with toast and we’re attracted to hulking Scotsmen in kilts,
but beyond that, we’re not very similar.
It was a challenge writing her because her voice is so different from my
An interesting concept, Jocelyn, writing a character so different from yourself and to do it successfully. I think that is a skill in itself.
Have you always been a writer?
I’ve only been writing since late 2009, actually. It wasn’t something I even considered trying
even though I loved writing poetry and short stories in high school.
It was one of those door closing, window
opening kind of things that launched me into authordom. J
What drew you to the Dark Fantasy genre?
Back in 2009, my career took a left turn, leaving me with
copious quantities of time on my hands.
A friend of mine suggested I read the Anita Blake series by Laurell K.
That series totally ensnared
me from page one. It was the one that
made me want to write. I love dark and
gritty stuff, so naturally that’s what I ended up writing, too.
Thanks for sharing a little about Stone Chameleon.
Thanks so much for having me. It’s been a pleasure.
Now for a glimpse into STONE CHAMELEON.
A flare shot over the rooftops to our left. I dove at Blake and slammed him to the pavement as another column of fire streaked toward us. The flames seared my back. The dragon bat was not a happy camper. Someone landed on my backside, crushing a grunt out of me and pounding my shoulder blade while Blake gasped beneath me.
“Bloody hell, Amun,” I said, before I realized he did it to put out the flames eating up my shirt. “Oh, I see. Thanks.”
He pulled me up, and the three of us ducked behind a car in the parking lot beside the Whip and Tickle, a vampire fetish-wear shop. The owl-sized bat swooped over us again, blasting an inferno that exploded the front window of the shop, sending studded leather and melted mannequins onto the sidewalk.
Three of the other creatures we’d hunted lay dead on other streets, the scorpion included, all by my sword when I’d been left with two options: kill or die. Twelve more were contained in three trucks. The bat remained the only unwelcome visitor in Fangtown. Other than us, of course.
“This is madness, Lou.” Amun panted beside me, his arms rising to shield his head as the bat exhaled on a Mini Cooper two cars over, the crackling and popping suggesting we should find a new hiding place.
“I agree with Mr. Bassili,” Blake said, his drawl worsening with his fright. “What the hell in a hand grenade do we do now?”
Rudy poked his almost translucent head out from behind the newspaper boxes he dove behind during the first fiery blast. The poor guy shook so badly I’d have been surprised if he could see anything. I gestured to him to stay put. “We’ve scared it, not something you want to do to a dragon bat.” A deep exhalation centered me enough to think. “I seem to recall the pecking order in a colony of bats. If we want protection from the dominants, we must present an offering of food.”
“And that helps us how?” Amun, his face blackened with soot and smeared with dirt, tilted to rest against the tire of the car, appearing as frazzled as I’d ever seen him. The sight induced a belly laugh that wouldn’t be contained.
He took on a strange expression of one eyebrow cocked and a half-grin, as if he wasn’t sure whether to be amused or offended. “What?”
I waved him off. “Nothing, I think I’m just losing my marbles.” Rising up enough to see around the car to Rudy, I shouted, “Rudy, do you have any rodents in your truck? Rats or mice?”
“No,” he hollered back, “but I can call some for you.”
I nodded. “As fast as you can.”
Flapping came from our rears. Crackling. A blast tossed the front of a car up until it crashed down on its hood, crushing a Mazda behind it.
“Move!” I shoved at Amun and tugged Blake toward the back of the fetish shop, since it was much closer than the front where flames still poured out of the broken window. Amun kicked out with a startling force against the wooden door. It took three tries, but it finally gave. My, but he was strong. We rushed inside and crouched behind a cement wall beside a set of stairs leading down.
“What do you want the rats for?” Amun asked with obvious suspicion. “Tell me you don’t want one of us to go out there and dangle something for that thing to come and snatch, probably toasting us to a golden brown in the process? Because I think I’ve grown a healthy dose of sympathy for marshmallows right about now.”
“Don’t worry, Amun. I’m going, not you. We just need to listen for Rudy to come back, if he hasn’t chickened out and run for the hills. Hopefully rats like to hang out here and aren’t snapped up for evening snacks.” There was a reason the umikan stuck to small, normal pests, other than his ability to talk to them. Although he’d deal with the scarier stuff when the need called for it, he usually didn’t have enough courage to fill a thimble.
“What?” Amun palmed his forehead. “You can’t be serious.” He gestured toward the door. “Have you been oblivious to the destruction that thing caused just in the last ten minutes? It’s pissed, and I don’t think it’s going to care about some little morsel you offer it.” His frown tugged at his features. “Why are you smiling like that?”
I shrugged, hopped up on adrenaline and enjoying the sight of the great Amun Bassili squirming. “This is what I do for a living.”
“You’re enjoying this?” Both of his eyebrows jacked up.
“Yup,” Blake said, rolling his eyes and chuckling from deep in his belly. “Weirdest broad I ever knew. Takes a bit of starch outta the ole manhood, don’t it?”
I wiped the char from my hands onto my jeans. “To do a job one takes no pride in is a travesty, in my opinion.”
At Rudy’s shout from beyond the wall, I said, “Stay here. Don’t come out until I call or you could send the bat into fits again.”
About the Author:

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To get a FREE copy of STONE CHAMELEON to review, just answer the question
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Thank you for sharing a little about STONE CHAMELEON today Jocelyn. I love the idea of dragon bats.