What if you discover you are known and feared as the Deathbringer?
This is where Caleath, the alien from Ramport 6 finds himself? Compassionate Caleath, aware of an evil lurking within, but has no idea what it can do or how to control it. As Tag Seawell, he has reinvented himself. He is a seaman, in love with the lovely goatherd Naomi who is expecting his child. However, the unborn child is in danger from creatures from Tag Seawell’s past who are determined that Death will take it.
This is an emotional, action packed novel. We are drawn into Tag’s world and suffer with him through the many battles and encounters he faces. At the same time, we enjoy his relationships with characters from his past that are keen to help him regain his memory for their sake as well as his; all the while knowing the revelations must come slowly, without their interference.
Rosalie Skinner’s wonderful dragons, and dread lords alive and dead, and the magical characters of witches, sorcerers and apprentices , lords, princes and princess, whales, dolphins and pirates, fill her fascinating fantasy world as we sail from port to port In Search of Memory.
To me, Rosalie Skinner is the master world builder, second to none, and the work is beautifully written. You will relish your escape into this fantasy world and fall in love with Caleath, Naomi, Melody, Nazarre and even the dread lord Tallowbrand. Once you enter the Chronicles of Caleath, you will want to stay there with these beloved friends. Fortunately there is one more book to come in this series and six that await your pleasure, if you haven’t already found them.
AMAZON link to ADRIFT: In Search of Memory
A sea faring yarn... complete with pirates, shipwrecks, dragons and epic fantasy adventure.
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