Welcome to my blog. Thanks for being here today.
Other than ‘author’ what are three words you would use to describe yourself? Horselover, Mom & tough. I used to be a horse trainer/farrier/riding coach before writing, I am a mom to 5 absolutely crazy kids and I have been through a lot in my life which made me tough enough to battle cancer this year.
Do they influence you as a writer? Or the genre you write?
Definitely! In my first historical romance release 'Guilty Kisses' I wrote a scene in the novel surrounding a very...um...embarrassing incident that occurred when I was breast feeding my first child. You have to read the book (: In my second release I use some of my horse expertise to flesh out the equines in my story. I try to put an animal 'sidekick' of sorts in all my romances since living on a farm is all about all kinds of critters. As for the cancer thing...well it remains to be seen if I can use it to weave a romance.
Love the animal sidekicks. What is it about your chosen genre/s that fires up your muse?
I am a Libra, and for my birthday one year I was given a mug that kinda sums out Libras and me in general. It read: A hopeless romantic who thinks that life should be fair, what a fool. Yup, that's me in a nutshell.
You are about to release your third book with Museitup, what inspired your stories?
My novels are all inspired by different things. I currently have 2 published my MuseitUp as well as 5 more contracted and 2 short stories. For example I am currently working on a MS that revolves around an 1800's female magician and her sidekick a Holland lop rabbit who gets her into all kinds of trouble. The story was inspired by my 9 yr old son's black Holland Lop rabbit named Dexter who is quite the Houdini at escaping from his cage.
Do you have a regime when writing? A special place, time, mood or do you snatch opportunities to pen ideas or write a few lines?
I keep a pad of paper and a pen on my headboard as my mind likes to gallop away with me when I am trying to quiet it for sleep. LOL, I have gotten good at writing well enough in the dark to be able to read what I wrote in the am. (I don't want to wake up hubby by getting out of bed or turning on the light).
Does your Muse follow rules and plot lines or does she offer ideas on a whim?
She's nuts, quite frankly. She just goes when and where she wants to. Often a whole story is crafted around one scene that comes to mind. I wrote my October 2011 release (written under Kelli Key) because this character Shianne from 1974 highjacked my head and would not shut up until I wrote down her story in first person in 6 hours. That was pretty weird!
Six hours… that’s incredible. Your Muse is sure pushy! Good thing too, for your readers, hey!
What are the most dramatic changes you have made to a story you have written? What prompted the change?
Has there been one event in your life that changed/inspired your writing career? For example, meeting an author, finding a publisher, joining a critique group?
A few years ago I was writing my first novel in a binder in pen when I met Harlequin's Love Inspired author Carolyne Arrsen. It turns out she lived just half a mile down the road from us at the time. I was thrilled! I spent many Wednesday nights at her kitchen table that winter learning the basics like show not tell and povs. I can't thank her enough for that.
What an experience Killarney. That sounds like a wonderful place to learn your craft.
Would you like to tell us about the main character of your book and/or the villain? Or would you like to share an excerpt? Either or both… we are keen to learn more about the story.
My second release 'Stand & Deliver Your Heart' comes out September 16th 2011 from MuseItUp Publishing. The heroine in this story is a little more fiery than my first release 'Guilty Kisses' perhaps due to her red hair. 'Stand & Deliver Your Heart' is the tale of Lady Sarah Wellington an heiress fallen on tough times with a promise to keep. When nature's whim thrusts upon her a suicidal lord she must trust him to keep a dangerous secret, one that could get her hung at the gallows. Well, what can I say, because I am a Libra she falls in love with him and then has a difficult and deadly choice to make. Sorry, if you want to know more you have to read the book. (:
Love the cover. Stand and Deliver is top of my ‘to read list’.
Who is publishing your story?
MuseItUp Publishing has contracted 7 novels and 2 short soft erotica from me coming out from June 2011 to Dec 2013.
Guilty Kisses- June 2011
Stand & Deliver Your Heart- Sept 16/2011
Chained- October 2011 (soft erotic short set in 1974)
The Horseguard's Lady- December 2011
A Courtesan's Desires- March 2012
Larger than Life- May 2012 (part of the Lacey's Lamp MuseItHot series)
Inventing Love- June 2012 (steampunk/historical romance)
Love's Deception- November 2012
Marie- 2013 tba
Where can we get the already released books?
My books are available in ebook and some already in paperback at www.museituppublishing.com also a complete vendor list is available on the Muse site.
How can we follow your career? Http://killarneysheffield.blogspot.com & http://romanceauthorkillarneysheffield.yolasite.com
You have a wonderful booktrailer, and fortunate to have 'met' and been given permission to use Gowan's music as backing. Another amazing feather in your cap, Killarney. Thanks for sharing this here!!
Thanks for being my guest today Killarney. Congratulations on the release of Chained and of course Guilty Kisses and Stand and Deliver Your Heart.
Introducing Killarney Sheffield
Releases- Guilty Kisses/June 2011 www.youtube.com/watch?v=J41qLNKjrQA
Stand & Deliver Your Heart/Sept 2011
The Horseguard's Lady/Dec 2011
A Courtesan's Desires/Mar 2012
Inventing Love/June 2012
Love's Deception/ Nov 2012
Marie/ tba 2012
Alter ego- Kelli Key
Chained/Oct 2011- museithot
Larger Than Life/ May 2012- museithot
But wait.. there is more.
Killarney has agreed to give away a copy of
Guilty Kisses
Stand and Deliver Your Heart
to two lucky readers
who comment here before the 12th OCT!!
Killarney has agreed to give away a copy of
Guilty Kisses
Stand and Deliver Your Heart
to two lucky readers
who comment here before the 12th OCT!!
Killarney it's great to have you here today. So sorry to hear that you are not going to be able to make it to the Muse Retreat in Nov. Life is a roller coaster ride. Hang on because as steep as this might seem, good things still happen. There is the great news of your new job!! And.. the release of Stand and Deliver Your Heart...
Thanks Rosalie! I didn't count on the new job falling in my lap but columnist for the local newspaper sounds like fun. Now if only i could get Gowan to give me an interview for it. They don't call the the 'stalker author' for nothing! LOL! As for missing the muse retreat well, missing 3 months work because of surgery and a major out of province move has made it impossible this year, but hey, tomorro is my birthday so crack open the bubbly!
Killarney, the best is yet to be! Unbeatable spirit conquers all and you are certainly that. We're all proud of you.
*pops cork* Champagne.. did someone mention a birthday.. whee.. I have a spare bottle left over from Wendy's launch party.
*fills champagne flutes* Happy Birthday for Tomorrow... and All Good things for the Year to come.
Happy Birthday Killarney!!
Happy Birthday, Killarney.
I loved getting to know you better through your conversation with Rosalie.
I have both of your books and I truly think you are a gifted storyteller. I love your characters and their situations and I thoroughly recommend your romances to everyone, romance readers or not. Your stories are stirring adventures with characters to really care about. Congratulations.
Goodness I love this woman! Her strength abounds and knows no limits. Of course she also owns a beautiful and mischevious little beast that stole my heart a long time ago.
Love that your Muse is nuts and keeps you up at night. Explains those late hours you keep. Lol.
Thank you Lady Rosalie. Your move from guest to hostess is eloquent and entertaining.
Happy Birthday Killarney.
Love you both!
Hey Killarney and Rosalie, did you save any of that champagne for me? Did Karen bring the blue elephant? He swiped all the snickerdoodles for her at the last party over at Wendy's. Gotta watch that guy.
COngrats on your successes Killarney, I know how hard you have worked to make this happen.
Cheers! (sorry that was Emily-Nancy sips daintily at hers )
We have plenty of Champagne left... and a new batch of snickerdoodles cooling, safe from the elephant. The cinnamon attracts Wendy's sybil though so just watch for a bat, and the messages she leaves.
*raised glass with Nancy and Emily* To Killarney, Happy Birthday and Many Sales!!
Gail & Karen, email me for your ebook! Just let me know whether you would like Guilty Kisses or Stand & Deliver Your Heart. Thanks so much all for the birthday wishes!
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