My darling grand daughter was born 100 days early. Weighed 808gms. Went through so much to survive. A true miracle.
Now she is three and a half and growing into an amazing little girl. Still every day is a miracle.
Her hugs are the most precious. Her smiles illuminate my life. She may never know how much she means to her grandmother, but she is the light of my life.
Today I will be wearing green to remember the prems we have known. Celebrating the lives of those who survived the trauma of the NICU, grieving with the families of those who didn't make it.
They say the little ones don't remember...
Our little one talks about people visiting her little house... when she was in hospital. She says she was very little when she was in hospital and her tummy hurt all day. She's seen the photos...

There was a day, when she was visiting the hospital for her 12mth check up when she MET another prem from across the aisle in the NICU.
Now.. these tiny ones had never MET.. only shared the same ward. Yet the both reacted in an astonishing fashion. Tiny babies who wanted to hold each other, smiled, shook with excitement. Ignored mothers and all esle for the time they held each other.
These children are miracles.
The people who care for them are heroes.
The experience has changed my life.
My precious little one has grown into an amazing three and a half year old sweetheart. She is precious and cheeky, she is bright and loving and can be naughty. Totally spoilt by all who know her. What can we do. Everyday with her is special. The way she looks at life, bears pain stoically, loves deeply and brings joy into our lives, must be exhausting. Some days she crashes, might sleep for seventeen hours. We know she is fragile, delicate and every moment with her is priceless.
The love, the faith the strength...
it is all overwhelming
So... I wear green today and applaud
all those who are raising awareness of
the miracles among us.
EARLY PHOTOS of our Miracle baby girl
She looks precious, too!
Grandchildren are wonderful!
Precious and so, so sweet. Oh, I love the little miracle girl. You must be so proud. I'm saying a prayer for you all and her little safe journey.
Very touching, Rosalie. I'll wear something green today when I go out this afternoon. Cailyn has proved that miracles do happen and more than once in her precious life.
Thanks Rhobin, Karen and Wendy she is precious. She's much bigger now and reaching all her milestones.
Thanks for dropping by.
She is the most precious girl. We are all so lucky to have her and she is lucky to have a wonderful Grandma who loves her so much too. xo
Cailyn says "I Love Grandma SO much! To the moon and back!"
To the moon and back...
She is so sweet.
oh she is so gorgeous. to think tht she was premy. such a cutie. you must be very proud grandparents :)
Yes, we are proud. Very proud. :)
Thanks for dropping by!
Sweet Rosalie, they are wrong, as your precious Miracle Baby has shown you. The memories are there, but not everyone keeps them close enough to the surface of THIS life to recall them. My son did not, but Kat spoke German before she could talk. I had a German professor translate...she was barely a year old, and not capable of speaking English, yet she spoke of the death chambers in Nazi Germany and being a young 14 year old blue-eyed blonde dying a horrible death.
Kat cannot bring herself to watch anything about the Concentration Camps because she remembers.
Do I believe her? I don't speak German. I took Spanish in school. She was barely a year old. How can I NOT believe.
There are many miracles that we do not recognize as such because they fly in the face of what we are taught, but that does not make them less miraculous.
They say if a twin dies while still in utero, the surviving twin carries memories of the lost sibling. Do they? I cannot disprove it, nor can I prove it, but I have sat and listened to the grief that surviving fetus, now person lives with. It echoes the grief I feel for my Grandmother, 49 years after she passed. I KNOW mine is real. Why shoudl I discount the reality of theirs?
Amazing Lin, to think Kat remembered so much. My son spoke of being killed on a motorbike accident... he was nearly four at the time.
They say that for the first few years children are closer to their past lives, this tends to end at about four years of age and they lose touch.
Who knows.
'There are greater things...'
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