After three years of planning, patience and praying for the chance to arrive, Caleath arrives on the southern continent.
Caleath began life on Rampart 6. His career began as a surveyor of planets. This task involved collecting data on planets that offered viable mineral deposits. It also gave him access to information on cultures, myths, languages, lifeforms, landscapes, and climates.

Linked to his identity implant, but eventually becoming part of his neurology, these chips allowed him to store and utilise vast amounts of knowledge.
Along with data, he absorbed and mastered many fighting styles and skills. These adaptions proved an invaluable asset in his obession with Virtual Reality and competing in the 'Game'.
In September Exiled: Autumn's Peril begins Caleath's journey.
The weeks and days leading up to publication have been busy.
Today I am trying to polish blurbs and find the right extract to hook readers.
Like I have said before, writing the books was the easy part. :)
Now I am just eager to share the story with others.

Cailyn July 2011
Thanks to Museitup Publishing, I can do that...I hope you enjoy them too.
BTW.. Writers.. don't forget to register for the FREE Museonline Writer's Conference... see older post in this blog for links if you haven't already signed up.
See you there!!
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