Book Two of the Mind Over trilogy
Deryl’s supposed to save their world—but can he save his own sanity?
Deryl isn’t crazy; he’s psychic. Desperate to escape the insane asylum, Deryl teleports to Kanaan, a world of telepaths who regard him as an oracle. The Kanaan expect their oracle to teach them to wage war. He falls in love, but to be with her means to share his psyche, which could drive her insane. Most dangerous of all the Master, enemy of the Kanaan, would will forge Deryl’s powers into a weapon to kill all he loves or destroy his mind trying.
Read on for a chance to win this exciting new adventure as an ebook.
He found himself in the small glen Tasmae had imagined for them the first time they’d actually “spoken” together in the Netherworld. The canopy of branches and leaves shrouded them in privacy. It cut off the view of the sky, yet somehow there was plenty of light to see by. It didn’t matter; Deryl only cared about seeing one thing.
She ran to him, and they embraced. Then he pulled away. “Terry said I’d hurt you—”
She touched her fingers to his lips, and he understood that Terry didn’t know everything, and that the only pain she felt was at their separation.
Then she flooded into his mind, and where she touched, waves of cool healing washed over his psychic wounds. He sighed with relief, and actually swayed a little. She caught him, and he wrapped his arms around her, first for support, then for something far more intimate. This time, they would be alone.
A familiar voice, a voice from nightmare, interrupted them.
As one, they turned toward the intruder and blanched.
They turned and stared at each other. They knew him?
The Master, once known on Kanaan as Alugiac, laughed. A triumphant satisfaction flowed from him like the thick fog that was slowly rolling from where he stood at the glen’s edge.
“Tasmae, run!” Deryl shouted. A sword was suddenly in his hand, but though he held it at the ready, he was shaking so hard the blade quivered.
The fog had surrounded them now. The trees, moss, even the rocks had eroded at its touch. Colors fled, leaving them in a gray and black world, with only an indeterminate ground and low fog as landscape.
About Mind Over Psyche:
Sometimes, people talk about “second book syndrome,” where the second book in a trilogy doesn’t match the energy of the second book not matching that of the first. The characters refused to let that happen with Mind Over Psyche. In this book, Joshua and Deryl accidentally end up on Kanaan, the planet of Tasmae. Tasmae, you may remember form Mind Over Mind, was in psychic contact with Deryl, demanding information from him to save her world. Now, he’s come to her, live and in person!
The whole dynamic changes, and everyone is off balance. Joshua has a wonderful scene when he wakes up on an alien world and freaks out! After being so in control in Mind Over Mind, it was fun to watch him adapt to something completely out of his element. Then there’s Deryl; he should be thrilled. After all, he’s on a world of psychics, he’s heralded as an oracle, and he’s falling in love. Unfortunately, there those on Kanaan who don’t think he’s an oracle so much as the harbinger of doom. He should be home at last; instead, he’s in greater danger than ever. Finally, Tasmae. She’s only half trained in her role of taking care of the planet, and she’s being forced to absorb the memories of one of her predecessors—one who went insane in the course of her duties. Still, it’s the only way to understand the mystery of Deryl’s arrival. But she can’t handle the memories alone, and when Deryl and Joshua try to help, they put their lives at risk.
Remember the Master? He’s back, with far more vicious tricks and a past that will impact the future of Deryl, Tasmae, Kanaan, and their enemy the Barin… but that’s for Book Three.
I hope you enjoy reading Mind Over Psyche as much as I did writing it.
Winner of the 2010 INDIE for best Fantasy (Magic, Mensa and Mayhem), Karina Fabian has plenty of voices in her head without being psychic.
Fortunately, they fuel her many stories, like the Mind Over trilogy. Mrs. Fabian teaches writing and book marketing seminars, but mostly is concerned with supporting her husband, Rob Fabian as he makes the exciting leap from military officer to civilian executive, getting her kids through high school and college, and surviving daily circuit torture…er, circuit training.
Give-Away E-book:
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• Paperback: 318 pages
• Publisher: Dragon Moon Press (September 13, 2013)
• Language: English
Thanks Karina for sharing this new adventure today.
Hi, Rosalie, thanks for posting. I see no one commented, so shall we extend the contest a second day and let MuseCon know?
I love the first, and I'm looking forward to the second book. It is a very intriguing story.
I just saw this post advertised on FB and am so glad I did.
Karina, what a wonderful concept. I haven't read the first book, but from from your post here, I'm sure the series will be great. The cover has so much happening just like a mind in overload. Perfect.
Rosalie, you attract the best guests :)
Hi Karina, You are welcome.
Cindy, I agree the story looks intriguing. Karina has a great style and voice. Her characters are great.
Wendy, Thanks. Glad you dropped in and discovered Karina's series.
I followed the link over from your workshop at the muse online writer's conference. This series sounds really interesting. I love books about psychics and seeing what new twists can be done with this type of character. I'll definitely have to add it to my TBR list!
I'm probably too late, bit I really enjoyed your interview. I'm a paranormal fan. The cover looks amazing. I'll have to check to see if I have the first in this series. I know I have reviewed PERFECT TEN,and I have LIVE AND LET FLY but I don't think I have the first in this series do I?
Anyway this one sounds great. I wish you the Best!
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